Kudos to Colleen Burry! Colleen stepped up to help manage the massive undertaking that was Commencement. She was one of two new people who hadn’t been through commencement at NMC before yet needed to make it happen. Colleen ensured that every student was accounted for with all of the appropriate details. She also was tireless in her efforts to accommodate every family member that needed special assistance at the event. In addition to keeping the entire event organized, she also made her famous key lime pies for the volunteer crew! Thanks for going above and beyond, Colleen!

Kudos to Megan Holtrey and Maria Ulrich! Thank you to Megan and Maria for all of the help planning and organizing commencement—especially helping us to continue to make adjustments to the staging as RSVPs for commencement continued to roll in. You both were a huge part in making Commencement as successful as it was and we appreciate all of your help!

Kudos to Denny Nguyen, Judy Chu and Craig Hadley! Judy, Craig and Denny were instrumental in the showing of the independent film, “Bad Axe” in the Milliken Auditorium as part of Asian American/Pacific Islander month. The film was very powerful in its delivery and content.

Kudos to Jessie Forgrave and Katharine Marvin! Kudos to Jessie and Katharine for exemplifying NMC’s values by giving of their time to assist in the setup for the “You Made It Possible” employee recognition celebration. Jessie and Katharine identified a need and pitched in to set up tables, chairs, and tent walls to lighten the load and to support the HR team in honoring employees from across campus. Thank you both!

Kudos to Kyle Morrison! Kudos to Kyle Morrison for making time to compile the NMC retiree videos for the You Made It Possible employee recognition event. Kyle goes above and beyond what is asked and expected. His dedication to NMC and all our colleagues, along with his technical skills, allowed him to produce outstanding videos to celebrate the impact of each retiree. Thanks for your contributions that made this event even more meaningful for all who attended. We appreciate you!

Kudos to Nicole Wenstrup! We are so grateful for all the extra efforts Nicole puts into her role as a test proctor. Nicole consistently gives top tier customer service to all of our students and provides insights and extra hands when needed. Her calm and friendly, yet structured presence, contributes to the success of our students. Thank you, Nicole, for all that you do for NMC!

Kudos to Kyle Morrison, Chris Hanna, Alex Jones and the Ed Tech Team! Kudos to Kyle, Chris, Alex and the rest of the Ed Tech Team for all your work setting up the You Made It Possible event—including setting up the screens, speakers, podium, microphone, computer as well as working through the technical issues associated with being outdoors. We appreciate your work throughout the event and your collaboration to make this a memorable day for award recipients and retirees!

Kudos to David Mortensen-Chown! Kudos to David Chown for providing beautiful instrumental music for the 2023 You Made It Possible Celebration. The music created a beautiful atmosphere for employees and attendees to relax, celebrate, collaborate, and enjoy the event!

Kudos to NMC Food Services Team-Chad Schenkelberger, Scott Williams, Crystal Bailey, Lindsey Bradeen, Esther Nance and the rest of the team! Kudos to the NMC Food Services team for the great food and your support for the You Made It Possible recognition event! The food was so good! Everything went seamlessly from set up to serving through tear down. Thank you for your collaboration and support in honoring our colleagues. We appreciate you!!

Kudos to Brian VanSipe! Kudos to Brian VanSipe for all your work setting up electrical connections for the You Made It Possible employee recognition event. We appreciate that you made sure everything was set up  to code, including buying additional extension cords to ensure the event had power safely run to the tent. We appreciate your work to make this a meaningful and safe event!

Kudos to The Campus Services Team! Kudos to the Facilities/Campus Services Team for coordinating the delivery of tables, trash cans, preparing the grounds and working with the fire marshall to ensure that we could have a beautiful and safe space for employees to gather and connect with each other. Thank you for supporting employee engagement and the success of this event!

Kudos to Welcome Desk Employees! The Welcome Desk in the TJNIC has been a wonderful addition to NMC. It is great to be greeted by them daily as you enter the building. They are friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. Thank you for doing this much needed work!

Kudos to Fred Cook! Fred has been helping EES in the Oleson Center Kitchen with things like electrical issues and broken appliances. He fixed our dishwasher which was a life saver before a big culinary class earlier this month. Our culinary programs and the community members they bring into the college are many; having a functioning NMC teaching kitchen is vital to our EES culinary classes and the satisfaction of our community of learners. Thank you, Fred!

Kudos to Katy Grimmer, Randi Nelson & Sarah Sergent! We have the best students working in our department already, but we were so ecstatic to see that Katy, Randi and Sarah made the Dean’s List this spring!! They exemplify what it means to be a hard working Hawk Owl and we are lucky to have them.

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!